Friday, August 27, 2010

Once again Not Long Ago!!

Not long ago,
I called you my friend
To tell you that I am all ready
To Share your woes and sadness
In return I asked you to have all my bliss!!
But you thought I was not serious
And I was making fun of you!
But “No” my dear friend
I was serious then and now!!
Once again not long ago
I called you
Now I need you to come
I am feeling low and like a loser
I need your shoulder to lean on
A hand to dry my tears
But I know still you don’t believe me
How can I become so weak from so powerful?
How can I become needy from a giver?
But this is life my friend
You cannot always be strong
You too need some one
To give you hand and support
And this cycle of life goes on
Likewise we, friends and friendship!!
And friendship too survive
Keeps lingering on for forever!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Love the way you are!!

Never want to change your style
Don’t put mascara on your eyes!!
I still remember
Your fearless strolls on the street!!
When you wearing no makeup
And made my heart beat!!
I longed to look
In those innocent eyes!!
Which are lost somewhere
Beneath so many artificial layers!!
I yearn to talk those careless conversations
Which we made without any hesitations!!
Now your clever talks made me feel so lonely
It seems I have lost you already my Lovely!!
Though I still hear you sayin “You love me”
The fire in those words seems lost already!!
I told you “Don’t change” and I mean it
I still love you and its for the way you are!!!
Don’t watch over me, I am always waiting
It seems for something, you drifted a little far!!
Time is too less and don’t return too
Before we go too far
Let me say, I need forever, you!!
Just embrace me and Hold me tight
No aroma can make me feel good
I love the odor of your hairs!!
Can keep on repeating that I need you
Just play the game of love with me
With trust and be fair!!
The fire of old times
I feel is still burning, afar!!
Hold my grip a little tight, be original
I will always love you for the way you are!!!!


Its when you get defeated
You will know how will it be like a winner!!
You know where to improve
You ask questions
Create a platform, to launch again!!
Get a feeling of disappointment
Though, nothing wrong in sitting for a moment
Catch up your breath
Make a plan again!!
Explore all your options
And see what went wrong!!
But don't get disgusted
Never let you down
You got a chance
Just to recalculate your option!!
This time
Give your best
See the sky
And have a winner smile!!
In fact one win, even for a winner
No guarantee to win every time!!
Its only persistence
Which will take far, into skies!!
So don't let defeat dishearten you!!
As you are just getting up
To avail the next chance
Let this defeat gives you
Power to withstand the time!!
Those are not powerful
Who win the fight!
Powerful are those
Who fall and again rise!!
So become more powerful
Show the world
Though time might be against you
Still you have the guts!!
To rise again
No matter how many times
Defeat let you down
Win avoid you!!
But you will be courageous
To stand again and again
Till time defeat accepts you
make a winner
not only for once
But for eternity to come
And forever you will remain a winner!!