Monday, November 12, 2007

My Will Power

I know the day is not far
I know the struggle ain't over yet
Things looked so close once,
Now are miles apart
Perhaps, those few words..
which I still feel around me
That you are with me..
I know the power of faith..
I knew I almost rediscovered myself..
when you said "I have faith in you"
and I knew then you meant that
That was true..
And I still somewhere deep within
I cherish your strength within me..
Thanks for being so close..
Thanks for being me..
I know you..
You are my power..
You are my WILL POWER
I know with you..
There cannot be any unconquered battle..
No day can go in woe
Only bliss is there to remain.
I know somehow.
that will be forever..
And moment is just begun.

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